Members providing training in Systemic Constellations
(if you would like your training to be listed here, contact the Board)
Yildiz Sethi
Yildiz Sethi has been holding regular Systemic training in Australia since 2008. She offers a program of training that includes:
Level one, Systemic Constellations Foundation
Level 2, Deepening
Advanced Business Constellations, Wellness and Dis-Ease Constellations
Yildiz is a psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist and Family Constellations facilitator and trainer. She is also the founder of Emotional Mind Integration for personal issues and trauma that fit very well with Family Constellations therapy for a wholistic approach to health and wellbeing.
Yildiz is the author of books about Family Constellations https://www.rapidcorehealing.com/books/
Faculty member of the next Australasian Constellations Intensive 2020
Yildiz is based in Brisbane Australia.
+61412172300 yildiz@familyconstellations.com.au
Zaquie C Meredith
Zaquie provides training in constellation work in Brazil and Florida:
Jonathan Hooton
Jonathan Hooton
Brings a wealth of experience when working with clients and students in an empowering, holistic way.
An Embodied Relational and Trauma-Sensitive Approach
Alemka Dauskardt
Since first introduced to the Family Constellation Work in 1995 all areas of her personal and professional life have been inspired by it. Alemka has trained extensively in Germany with Hellinger (2001, 2003, 2007) and other leading practitioners of this work (A.Mahr, J.Steiner, J.Hemming, G.Baxa, U.Franke, B.Ulsamer, G.Weber, H.Beaumont, S.Hausner). She has been using this approach in individual setting as well. Together with her husband Max, she co-facilitates workshops and offers training. Alemka translates Hellinger’s works to Croatian, contributes to the International Constellations Journal “The Knowing Field”, and is an active member of ISCA – International Systemic Constellation Association.
Alemka facilitates workshops and offers regular training in Systemic Constellations in Croatia, Serbia, Turkey and elsewhere on request.
More information about the training content and modes of learning:
Kristine Alex
Living my life
Changing & unfolding my personality in light
Professionally, privately, at the right place
Systemic intensive training 1 or 2 years
Certified training 1 or 2 years /Recognized training by the DGFS (German constellation organization)
Courses in English & German
Start: each year there is a 15 day training, further courses in English can be asked for
Trainings: https://www.systeme-in-aktion.de/courses
Gollenshausen, Bavaria close to the lake Chiemsee
Brendan O’Brien, MA, BA, HDipEd, MIACP
Brendan is an integrative psychotherapist with twenty years experience and training in Family Constellations. He lectured in Counselling and Psychotherapy at the Cork Institute of Technology from 2000-2019. He also served for four years as Vice-President of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA). A trained Mediator (MII) he has vast experience of working with groups, individuals and families in a wide variety of life situations. In 2016 he completed a Masters Degree by Research on Suicide, Trauma and Family Constellations.
Together with his wife Eileen, also a psychotherapist with extensiveexperience in constellation work, Brendan runs workshops and offers regulartraining and courses in Ireland. He has worked in the US and in India, and isavailable to work elsewhere on invitation.
Core Concepts of Family Constellations (80 hours) runs annually in Ireland.
In 2020, a Level One (Introductory) course will be held in Dublin over four weekends. A Level Two course will be held in Cork, on the south coast of Ireland. Full details on the website.
Details: https://www.familyconstellationsireland.com/continuing-professional-development
Christine Huss-Doliana
Systemic Education Competence
Education Institute for Systemic Solutions Maremma Tocana/Italy – Christine Huss-Doliana
Solving problems with the “Systemic Perspective”
Starts May 2020
Sandra Ramos
Family Constellations in private (presentially and online) and groups.
13th Edition
5 October 2019 to 7 June 2020. Lisbon, Portugal
Goals: acquire knowledge and develop skills to work professionally with family constellations (FC) in a private practice and workshops.
Structure: 9 modules, 2 days each, from 9 am to 6 pm. Trainees are supervised on facilitating FC to volunteers. 3 multiple choice tests. 600 hours of training.
Program Topics: systemic models; FC as classical psychotherapy; morphic fields; soul, spirit, and personality; orders of love; phenomenology; Ulsamer’s triangle; stages of change; epigenetics; traumatology; interrupted movements; types of feelings; defence mechanisms; psycholinguistics applied to FC; group dynamics; orders of help; organizational constellations; ethics and deontology.
Dates and Venue: October 5-6. November 1-2; 30. December 1. January 18-19. February 15-16. March 7-8. April 4-5. May 1-2. June 6-7. Instituto de Ciências Integradas (ICI), Lisbon (Benfica), Portugal.
Teachers: Sandra Ramos (clinical psychologist) and Jorge A. Ramos (linguist and clinical psychologist). They are the CEOs of ICI, are published authors, they work with CAM since 1998, and teach FC since 2009. Some research work.
E-mail and Phone: sandra@ici.org.pt +351-962356344.
More Information: https://ici.org.pt/formacao/constelacoes/
Francesca Mason Boring
Francesca Mason Boring is a bi-cultural international facilitator and trainer of Family Constellation. Informed by the work of many of the early Masters in Family Systems Constellation, as well as her own indigenous elders, Mason-Boring has been a contributor in the development of the integration of ceremony and ritual in constellation work as well as the inclusion of nature in facilitation, and support for trauma.
Mason- Boring has provided Facilitator Training in Canada and the United States. The 21-Day Facilitator Training in 2020 will be provided in the Los Angeles, California area. To register contact the Training Coordinator: Barbara Ann Tira: btira@sbcglobal.net Information is available at: https://allmyrelationsconstellations.com/2020-facilitator-training-altadena-california/
Her writing and developments in systemic constellation has expanded the application of the work into social systems as well as family systems. A Western Shoshone, (an indigenous tribe in the United States) Francesca has authored: Family & Systems Constellation: In the company of Good People (2019, KDP), Family Systems Constellations and Other Systems Constellation Adventures: A transformational journey, (2015, All My Relations Press)- Co-Edited with Ken Sloan: Returning to Membership in Earth Community: Systemic Constellations with Nature (Stream of Experience Productions, 2013), author of Connecting to Our Ancestral Past; Healing through Family Constellation, Ceremony & Ritual (North Atlantic Books, 2012), Botschaften aus dem indigenene Feld, (Carl-Auer, 2009), Wandelen door het wetende veld, Feather Medicine, Walking in Shoshone Dreamtime: A Family System Constellation, (Llumina Press, 2004-), and Coyote Dance, (Llumina Press, 2005, Create Space, 2016). In addition Francesca has served as an advisor and contributing writer for The Knowing Field, an international scholarly journal on systems constellation, England. Francesca has presented at numerous conferences on the topic of the Universal Indigenous Field in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Singapore, Holland, Mexico, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Bulgaria and the United States. She has served on faculty for Intensives on Systemic Constellations in Germany, Mexico, Australia, South Africa and the U.S.A.
Sarah Peyton
created an informative new website listing events in the North West of the American Continent:
Gary Stuart
Speaker, Author, 17 year Constellation Facilitator, Teacher/ Trainer has been documenting his healing experiences over the past several decades. As a young student of Primal Therapy and Shamanism, his insightful writings provide a unique perspective on the correlation between the micro and macro-cosmos, between our inner and outer worlds. His first book on Constellations Many Hearts, One Soul set the stage for his latest book Master Your Universe: How to Direct & Star in Your Own Life on Kindle or paperback at www.Amazon.com
More info on www.constellationhealinginstitute.com
Email gary@constellationhealinginstitute.com
Emily Waymire

“Luminosity” Soul Energetics Mastery Training
A 6 month advanced training for alternative practitioners. A personalized program dedicated specifically to your personal re-emergence and professional mastery.
Are you ready to partner with forces that actually change lives?
Based on working directly with 100s of alternative practitioners and witnessing 1000s around the world in group trainings Emily has seen the most common and universal blind spots that basic and even advanced trainings don’t cover.
What the Luminosity Training covers:
- Life concerns and balance
- Family system entanglements that interfere with you and your clients
- Supervision Constellations (where we look at your role with your clients)
- Structural Constellations and Parts Work (where we look at setting you up for success and the alignment of your business and life mission)
- Energetic alignment (that is essential for your well-being as a practitioner)
- Collective trauma and possession that is affecting you and your clients
You will receive a seal of completion for use anywhere online and in all your materials.
See if this is the right fit in a free consult This is your time to ask me questions about my services, how I can help you and explore possible next steps to reaching your desired outcome.
Online Training
Orianne Corman
The Academy of Systemic and Relationships Coaching was created in 2019 and offers an online certified training course to become a Family Constellations practitioner. The online course is completed with two 5-day residential seminar.
Founder and teacher: Orianne Corman, certified in 2004 by Alfred Ramoda Austermann and in 2015 by John Whittington.