Original Charter

Cologne May 2007

Charter of Association

International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA)

§ 2
Purpose of the Association

A) The Founding Assembly of the Association acknowledged three main propositions.

1. The Approach to working with human relationship systems developed by Bert Hellinger  and his associates (henceforth “constellation work”) presents an important
and unique tool for facilitating understanding and resolution of trans-generational and
inter-cultural systemic conflict.
2. The original approach is continually evolving as it is applied in various contexts and
cultures by different practitioners. The evolutionary process is facilitated when
practitioners in one area have access to experiences and discoveries of practitioners in
other areas.
3. The aggregate experience of practitioners and researchers of constellation work in all
contexts and cultures has become larger than the original formulations and will
continue to develop. As a whole this body of living knowledge and practice
constitutes a valuable contribution to human knowledge, especially to the
understanding of human relationship systems, their disturbances and to possibilities
for resolution of conflict and unnecessary human suffering.

B) The purpose of the Association is three fold.

1. To facilitate networking among practitioners of constellation work for the purpose of
mutual learning, exchange of experience and observations, building support systems,
and other functions as may become clear in the course of time.
2. To facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and experience about constellation work
and arising out of constellation work to persons and organisations demonstrating
interest or need.
3. To facilitate consolidation, integration, and documentation of knowledge about
constellation work and its methods, and to keep that documentation up to date as
constellation work continues to evolve.
This means facilitate and support a high standard of quality and integrity among
practitioners of constellation work.

– This purpose expressly includes, but is not limited to, exploring possibilities for constructive
application of the philosophy and methods of constellation work with individuals, couples,
families, teams, and organizations.
– Furthermore, it expressly encourages and supports interdisciplinary exchange as well as
research and integration of knowledge from any relevant area of human knowledge and
– The explicit intention of the association is to contribute to the body of human knowledge
and understanding serving the common good through its activities.

C) The association may meet its purpose by means of but is not limited to, the following
a) Facilitate and support international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the collection and
exchange of information relating to both research and practice constellation work.
b) Network international and interdisciplinary associations, teams, organisations and
individual practitioners of systemic constellations as well as other relevant organisations.
c) Publish information regarding activities, recommendations, and By-laws of the Association
and affiliated Organisations.
d) Develop and publish recommendations and curriculum for training in systemic
constellation work.
e) Formulating and publishing a current statement of ethical guidelines for those working in a
systemic context, and making available to members knowledge about difficulties discovered.
f) Maintain and publish a-current list of practitioners for the purpose of facilitating contact for
persons seeking a systemic practitioner.
g) Maintain and publish a current list of affiliated training institutes and organisations in
related areas for the purpose of facilitating contact for persons seeking training in systemic
h) Publish a journal, newsletter, articles, research or other material that documents various
applications and new developments of the constellation work.
i) Organise congresses and informational meetings.
j) Represent constellation work in public media and discussion.


Below the Charter after cuts and changes were made to the original draft,

which was then submitted to and registered with the German authority on 1st July 2008

§ 2
Goals and Functions of the Association

The Association is strictly Not-For-Profit according to the definition of German law regulating
Tax Exemption for Organizations (§§ 51 ff AO).

Members of the Association share a common interest to research and develop theoretical and
practical understanding of social systems and to develop and apply systemic methods to reduce
suffering caused by dynamics of social systems.

The Association is dedicated to supporting this shared interest in the research and development
of methods and understanding social systems with the intention of reducing suffering caused by systemic dynamics.

The primary methods employed by the Association to fulfill its interest in understanding social
systems are a variety of Systemic Constellations of social systems for the purpose of research
and development of theory and applications in accordance with the interests of the Association.

The primary goal of the Association is the development, implementation, evaluation and
documentation of constellation work with human relationship systems and to support relevant

The Association may pursue these interests, methods and goals in the following areas:

1. Scientific research and publication of findings;
2. The application and evaluation of methods and theories in a wide variety of cultures
and contexts;
3. Networking practitioners to facilitate the exchange of information and theoretical
4. Developing and evaluating new applications, methods and theories;
5. Offering public information regarding the systemic perspective and methods.

The Association explicitly respects diversity of cultural values and social orientation of its

The Association acts in the public interest, and does not primarily seek profit. The financial
resources of the association may only be used for purposes consistent with the intentions of this Charter. Members of the Association receive no income from the financial resources of the
Association. No person may receive remuneration for activities foreign to the intent of this
Charter, nor which are inappropriately high.

Payment from the financial resources of the Association for services performed by members, for
travel expenses to attend Association meetings and similar activities may only be made to
compensate expenses or services billed and may not exceed actual expenses.

If the Association transfers funds to another not-for-profit organization with similar goals, the
Association acts as Sponsor in the sense of German Tax Law § 58 Nr. 1, which means that the
Association is making a tax exempt donation.
