Keeping the event as interactive and as diverse and wide as possible is the guiding principle. Welcoming the different strands of the work, including all the different positions, exploring if there is a core around which such diversity can coalesce.
The main event will take place over two and a half days, starting on Saturday morning and finishing Monday with enjoying lunch together (22.10. – 24.10.2016.).
Outline of the Program can be found here
The gathering is open to all who are engaged in systemic constellation work with the emphasis on mutual learning, exchange and development, to be offered for an affordable fee, particularly for ISCA Members.
There will be experienced practitioners whose contributions will assist us with reflecting on broader issues which constellation community is faced with:
Anngwyn St. Just
Cecilio Fernandez Regojo
Marianne Franke
Elena Veselago
( more about the presenters )
During the gathering, time and space is available for parallel short workshops & presentations by the participants. Emphasis will be on sharing our collectively acquired knowledge, learning from one another how best to approach the emerging future as well as being its co-creators through this interactive process. If you are interested in presenting, please submit a one page proposal outlining your presentation via email to the Organizing Committee beforehand and prepare one or max two A4 printed sheets to display at the conference venue.
Interactive segments will see us break out into smaller groups to deal with specific topics related to the meeting’s theme: Constellating Future, subsequently reporting back to the forum. Working groups will deal with specific tasks related to ISCA’s future, taking into consideration the proposals & suggestions collected beforehand from constellation practitioners around the world and setting the direction for the path ahead.
The possible topics to focus our attention on are:
- Current global movements
- Current developments in the Constellation Field
- Defining what constitutes a constellation (and what not!)
- Considering the need to define and formalise the field of constellations: training curricula, accreditation, formal registration, requirements for ISCA membership, ethical guidelines etc.
- Organizational structure of international association (ISCA) for the period ahead
At the end of the gathering the plenary session will summarise and conclude what the next step into the constellating future is for the community as a whole and for ISCA in particular.
Pre and post gathering full day workshops will be conducted
on Friday 21st by Cecilio Fernandez Regojo
and on Tuesday 25th by Anngwyn St. Just
Keeping the event as diverse and as wide as possible is the guiding principle. Welcoming the different strands of the work, including all the different positions, exploring if there is a core around which such diversity can coalesce.
Program of the Gathering keeps evolving, changes are possible.
Please contribute with your suggestions, maintaining the interactivity.
The event will take place in a nice traditional hotel in the very center of Zagreb (more about it HERE) where we have secured the rooms at a special price for attendees. There will be opportunities to informally network and meet others for the duration of the meeting.
However, there are other affordable accommodation options in close proximity, apartments and more hotels. (find about those HERE)
From the main square it is easy to explore Zagreb and what this town has to offer. (more about Zagreb HERE)
For those of you wanting to combine your attendance with some holiday time, Zagreb provides a perfect point from which to explore the Adriatic with all the islands and pretty coastal Dalmatian towns (at this time of the year not for swimming, but good travel weather out of peak holiday season), as well as other Croatian and European destinations. (more about those opportunities HERE)
Hope to see you at this exciting constellation event in October!