“Constellating Future” 2016



At the end of a marvelous event

Zagreb  24.10.2016

participants expressing the spirit of the Gathering


Reflections from the participants

Silvia Siret

I have recently become a member of the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA) and attended their Gathering in Zagreb, which was all about re-creating the organisation. We had two full-day workshops (Cecilio Fernandez Regojo’s and Angwyn St.Just’s) and smaller workshops (with Elena Veselago, William L. Mannle, Marianne Franke) on 3 days, as well as working groups and a General Assembly.

Between 65 and 85 members from more than 12 countries were present to celebrate systemic constellations in all its beautiful variations. I connected with so many lovely souls, learned tons and finally felt like I belonged to a like-minded community. What a gem ISCA is! And what a tremendous amount of work went into this meeting by Alemka and Max Dauskardt as well as Elena Veselago and some other helpful people. I know that this organisation is growing and giving us a platform to grow ourselves and feel the support. The next Gathering is planned for 14 – 18 September 2018.  Put this date into your calendars!! ISCA organises regular monthly Zoom Meetings, usually on Thursday evenings – also a great opportunity to connect and share. If you’d like to check it out, go here: https://isca-network.org/

Thanks to the Board and all the helpers for making it possible!

I have since facilitated a workshop on relationship issues, and the learning from the Gathering was already embodied and fully showing in the way I approached the different explorations. These were some of my learnings:

  • Trying to help doesn’t help
  • Focusing on the client at all times is of utmost importance
  • Addressing trauma in the constellation might re-traumatise the issue holder
  • Fixing the past is not possible

I now know how important it is to see other constellators at work, especially those who have International recognition and are teacher trainers.

Another benefit I got from becoming a member of ISCA is that my insurance company finally accepted and insured me as a constellations facilitator.

With huge gratitude,

Silvia Siret


Reflections from the participants on FB

Verónica Patricia Vázquez Moyado

Thanks Max! Yes, it is our conscience that binds us and strengthens or not, our state of belonging. Personally , by being now a member of ISCA, I can feel that strength also represents a step forward that makes me proud to belong, especially after having experienced such productive, insightful, knowledgable and inspiring days with so many wonderful, heartful, committed and generous beings. I am so-ooo grateful to You and Alemka Dauskardt for the invitation to join (in Mexico) and so happy I took the opportunity to attend! For me there is a before and an after as a Constellator after having been in Zagreb!
With such experienced diversity of talents; learning from such great master constellators as: Marianne Franke, Annwyn St Just, Cecilio Fernandez Regojo; acquiring more elf bar 600 cuánto dura skilful tools; opening to new heartful ways with William L. Mannle ,experiencing to be aligned and to establish a better connection with the consultant in the session with James Woeber ; setting up a ConstelIation for the future with Elena Veselago….. precious, endurable friendship connections…..
I could keep on writing about my many rich experiences and mentioning so many amazing soulful people, whom I had the joy and privilege to meet.
…. an amazing ,insightful, professional and knowledgable experience that now belong to us all as we all belong to ISCA .This feeling of belonging is absolutely WONDER … FULL!
My gratitude to YOU ALL!!!

Verónica Patricia Vázquez Moyado


Marianne Franke

“Regardless of where I go, of how ‘exotic’ the country is where I constellate – what we have in common as human beings is always visible – everyone wants to belong, we all want to be seen, respected and loved.

And it is also true that where-ever in the world we constellators meet, and by ‘constellators’ I mean all those knowing and participating in this work in whatever way, we recognise each other and there is an immediate bond and ease of connection which is often difficult to achieve with those who are not constellators, even if they are your best friends.

This work is a home for us and provides a certain knowledge and worldview which connects us to each other and sometimes disconnects us from the rest of the world. I am sure you have all had those awkward situations atvs xplus engangs e cigs aeble fersken jordbaer 2500 puff 7 ml where you tried to explain to someone what exactly it is that you do and love and believe in..…And if you have been in this field of constellations deeply for a while, then I am sure you have noticed how many social interactions which we may have participated in in the past, just lose their appeal until we find ourselves surrounded almost exclusively with other ‘constellation nerds’.”

Marianne Franke


Elena Veselago

“Here in Zagreb, on the eve of the opening of ISCA Gathering, I was pondering the questions: What is ISCA and what am I doing here?

The answer comes: I am here to share experience in the field.

I don’t need guidelines or structure or even teaching, what I really need is shared experience.

My colleague reminded me today of Mattew 18:20

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

For where 80+ constellators gather, there is a field :-). That’s the reason I am here.”

Elena Veselago


We met in Zagreb, Capital of Croatia, right at the main square

Zagreb main square and cathedral aerial view, Croatia