ALL PARTICIPANTS (including facilitators)Accountability – IntegrityWe adhere to the principles and standards of ethical conduct outlined in this code of ethics. We take responsibility for our actions and decisions, acknowledging and addressing any moral dilemmas or concerns that may arise by working with constellations. We ensure that we do not participate under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc., without the facilitator’s consent as an exceptional case. Confidentiality – ConsentWe maintain confidentiality regarding the information shared during the sessions. We do not disclose personal or sensitive information without the explicit consent of the individual involved. Facilitators obtain informed consent from all constellation participants. The participants are responsible for being informed of what constellations are about. Autonomy – DignityWe respect the autonomy, dignity, and inherent worth of all individuals participating in family constellations. We honour their right to self-determination and refrain from imposing our beliefs or values on others. Culture – DiversityWe recognize and respect the diversity of cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values among participants. We strive to create an inclusive and culturally sensitive environment that honours the unique perspectives and experiences of all individuals involved. Social ResponsibilityWe recognize our responsibility to contribute to the welfare of any given system of our society and support justice, equity, and human rights. We provide support for any individual who addresses systemic inequalities, discrimination, and oppression. By that, we strive to create inclusive environments for the well-being of all individuals. Research – PublicationsWe conduct research with honesty and respect for the rights and welfare of participants. We adhere to ethical standards in designing, conducting, and reporting research and scholarly activities. We give appropriate credit to the contributions of others and avoid plagiarism or unethical publication practices. Use of personal dataWe do not use email addresses and other personal data for promotional purposes without appropriate consent. (GDPR). We respect and ensure consent to publish videos, texts, audio, photos, etc., involving other individuals. FACILITATORSProfessional CompetenceWe maintain our professional competence in the practice of constellations. We work only within the framework of our competencies and constantly upgrade our competencies through continuous learning. We use self-care practices to maintain our well-being and resilience, seeking support and supervision when needed. Informed ConsentFacilitators should make sure that everyone is accurately informed about the nature, purpose, and potential impact of the process, allowing participants to make informed decisions about their participation. Non-discriminationWe do not discriminate against individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or other characteristics. We treat all participants with fairness, respect, and compassion, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion. We advocate for the well-being and rights of individuals, including those who may be vulnerable or marginalized. BoundariesWe establish and maintain clear boundaries in our interactions with participants, ensuring their consent and maintaining a professional interaction with them. We refrain from ways of engaging that could compromise our objectivity, integrity, or effectiveness or lead to any kind of discomfort. Use of PowerWe recognize the power dynamics inherent in facilitating constellation work and use our influence responsibly and ethically. We respect the results of the constellation process without trying to influence or control them. We do not exploit or manipulate clients for any personal gain. Respecting PeersWe respect and do not discredit fellow professionals publicly, even if we disagree. We honour our sources and colleagues. We do not elevate ourselves over our peers, and we are willing to learn from other facilitators. We are always open to cooperate with respect. If the client has an issue beyond our scope or may need a particular therapist or medical attention, we should refer the client to the appropriate source of help. Public mediaWhether it concerns the traditional public media or the internet social media, we retain and maintain all ethical rules and values, avoiding copying others without referring to the source. While using our facilitator profile, we avoid arguing or taking sides fanatically. We also refrain from ideological proselytism on subjects referring to religion, politics, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. CLIENTS and OTHER PARTICIPANTSRespect OthersWe approach family constellation work with non-judgment and compassion, both towards ourselves and others, including those who are not present or those who belong to previous generations. We recognize that everyone is on their journey of healing and growth, and we offer understanding without criticism or blame. Feedback – CommunicationConstructive feedback to the facilitator and sharing of experiences and insights with other participants in a respectful and supportive manner is always welcome. We engage in open and honest communication, contributing to the collaborative and healing atmosphere of the constellation process. This code of ethics guides practitioners of family constellations, outlining their ethical responsibilities and promoting the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and respect for all individuals involved. It also helps all other participants acknowledge and respect the constellation, acting ethically. CODE OF CONDUCT (All Participants)Integrity, Client Welfare and SafetyWe facilitators conduct ourselves with integrity, honesty, and professionalism in all aspects of our work. We accurately represent our qualifications, affiliations, and areas of expertise and refrain from engaging in deceptive or misleading practices. We always prioritize our clients’ welfare, safety, and best interests. We conduct ourselves with care, compassion, and respect, recognizing individuals’ vulnerability in constellation work. Aspects of the relationship between the Facilitator and the Client
Opening the ConstellationThe facilitator is responsible for creating and offering a safe space for all participants, ensuring they are well-informed, consenting, and prepared before starting the constellation. The facilitator decides when to start the constellation and may refuse to accept requests if there is not enough time to handle the constellation properly. Ending the ConstellationA constellation can be drawn to a close without being ‘completed’. If participants wish to de-role they should be given the opportunity to do so. Physical spaceThe facilitator ensures that the environment for conducting a constellation is appropriate and healthy, providing enough space and adequate lighting and being pleasant as an environment. While seeking to avoid an environment with distractions the facilitator should recognise that unexpected outside interference may be relevant to the constellation. Digital spaceFor digital constellations, the space is not physical. Nevertheless, the guidelines for adequate lighting, a clear image of each participant, and clear sound with no background noises or movements of other people in the environment also apply. In case two people participate from the same physical space, it is advisable that each person participates in the constellation with a separate device. PunctualityAll participants in a constellation must try to be punctual in their arrival at the site (physical or digital). If there is a delay, it is advisable to inform the organiser / facilitator in advance, either about being late or to cancel their attendance. Self-responsibilityParticipation in a constellation in any given role should be voluntary. The client takes responsibility for his well-being and emotional safety. He communicates his needs, boundaries, and limitations to the facilitator, asking for support or stepping back when necessary. The facilitator should make sure the clients are aware of the need for self-responsibility and self-care. Respecting the ProcessThe client respects the facilitator’s role and expertise in guiding the constellation process. He trusts their judgment and follows their requests and guidelines, refraining from disrupting or undermining the constellation flow. However, a participant can indicate to the facilitator that he feels, perceives, and senses information from the field. The facilitator will decide whether to use it. Trauma – Exception CasesIt is essential to create a safe space for clients with trauma issues. Facilitators must be aware and careful not to re-traumatize clients and ensure that they have the needed skills for managing trauma reactions. Facilitators should avoid handling cases with drug abuse, and intoxication. Systemic SentencesWhen the facilitator decides to give systemic sentences to be expressed by the representatives, they should be perceived and handled as suggestions. The facilitator should not enforce specific sentences for the representatives to say. The representative may come up with a more precisely felt statement. References to discussionsBy referring to constellation cases, we respect the rules of confidentiality by being careful when referring to information about persons and situations. QuestionsWhen a participant has a question concerning the constellation, he should seek to ask the facilitator at the time rather than afterwards with those who were not present. Integration – ReflectionAll participants are encouraged to integrate and reflect on the insights and experiences from family constellations according to the methods that they find most helpful. This code of conduct is advisory and gives suggestions for good practices. Everyone is responsible for maintaining professional integrity by applying these or other social and cultural environment rules. Special attention is needed to conducting constellations on an international level. The content of the section “code of conduct” should be part of any educational content concerning systemic constellations, and it is and will be subject to further development. |
Edition 1.0, March 2024
Initial version written by Stavros Karelis
Developed by ISCA Board in consultation with ISCA members.